A & C, The number of regions of copy number gain (A) and loss (C) increase with UC disease progression. Shown is the average number of regions of copy gain +/− SEM for non-UC, UC non-progressors, UC progressors at sites negative for dysplasia (located > 10 cm or < 10 cm from a site of dysplasia) and UC progressors at dysplastic sites. Asterisks indicate significant difference for comparisons to UC NP using Mann Whitney * p<0.05; ** p-value <0.01. B & D, The maximum size of regions of copy number gain (B) or loss (D) increase with UC disease progression. Shown is the maximum size (Mb) of regions of copy gain +/− SEM for non-UC, UC non-progressors, UC progressors at sites negative for dysplasia (located > 10 cm or < 10 cm from a site of dysplasia) and UC progressors at dysplastic sites. Asterisks indicate significant difference for comparisons to UC NP using Mann Whitney * p<0.05; ** p-value <0.01.