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. 2000 Nov 21;97(24):12939–12941. doi: 10.1073/pnas.97.24.12939

Figure 3.

Figure 3

(a) A reconstruction of Paleoclusia, a Cretaceous relative of modern Clusiaceae, a family closely associated with meliponine bee pollinators. (b) A reconstruction of an extinct (Cretaceous, Turonian) ericalean flower typical of a complex that includes several adaptations for pollination by derived anthophilous insects clawed petals and pollen in polyads. (Reconstructions by Michael Rothman.) (c) Appearance of floral innovations (●) during the Aptian (Ap)-Albian (Ab)-Cenomanian (C)-Turonian (T) interval vs. appearance of new floral characters/million years (○). (d) Angiosperm radiation in the Aptian–Turonian interval (based on ref. 32; ○) vs. rate of appearance of new floral characters during the same interval (●).