Cyclic voltammograms (symbols) obtained for four hydrogenases as indicated in each panel and the corresponding fits to Eq. 10 (lines). Experimental conditions: pH 6.0 at 30 °C, ω = 2,500 rpm, ν = 5 mV s-1, 100% H2. Simulation parameters considered not to vary with temperature are as follows: CaHydA, E2H+/H2 = -0.40 V, βd0 = 4.2; CrHydA1, E2H+/H2 = -0.36 V, βd0 = 5.1; EcHyd2, E2H+/H2 = -0.30 V, βd0 = 12.0; EcHyd1, E2H+/H2 = -0.19 V, βd0 = 11.0.