Figure 3.
Lack ofTβRIIsignaling is correlated with decreased Galectin-3, β-catenin and phospho-Akt levels. (A) Real-time RT-PCR for lgals3 in BMDMs. Fold change is with respect to the expression of M0 WT. Solid bar, WT; Open bar, TβRII-/-. (B) Cell surface expression of Galectin-3 on WT and TβRII-/- BMDMs measured using FACS. MFI, mean fluorescent intensity. The result shown is representative of one of two independently derived sets of BMDMs from different mice for both A and B. (C) Western blot analysis of β-catenin expression. BMDM were treated with medium alone (M0), LPS/IFNγ (M1), or IL-4 (M2). Results are representative of 3 pairs of matched WT and TβRII-/- mice. Western blot analysis of phosphorylated-Stat6 (D) and phosphorylated-Akt (E) in WT and TβRII-/- BMDMs that had been treated with IL-4 for 1 hr. Results are shown for 2 independent mice per genotype. The numbers at the bottom represent the band intensity ratio of phosphorylated protein versus total protein, normalized to lane 1 on each blot.