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. 2012 Jul 27;7(7):e42101. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0042101

Table 2. Covalent reaction at the functional level.

Mutated receptor Mutation homolo-gous to DZ n 3-NCS p 3-NCS +DZ n
α1S204Cβ2γ2 + 126±9 3 4±4 n.s. 115±34 3
α1S205Cβ2γ2 113±7 3 60±43 <0.03 131±32 3
α1T206Cβ2γ2 82±18 6 119±51 <0.01 204±62 4
α2S204Cβ2γ2 + α1S204C 215±42 3 1±10 n.s. 218±30 3
α2S205Cβ2γ2 α1S205C 191±53 3 35±10 <0.01 177±25 3
α2T206Cβ2γ2 α1S206C 148±8 3 53±29 <0.01 168±54 3
α3S229Cβ2γ2 α1S204C l.e. l.e. l.e.
α3S230Cβ2γ2 α1S205C 149±44 3 15±11 n.s. 158±44 3
α3T231Cβ2γ2 α1S206C 88±45 3 28±16 <0.03 165±8 3
α5T208Cβ2γ2 α1S204C 129±38 7 23±18 <0.05 83±25 5
α5S209Cβ2γ2 α1S205C 103±3 3 46±17 <0.01 140±20 3
α5T210Cβ2γ2 α1S206C 82±14 3 10±5 n.s. 47±8 3
α6S203Cβ2γ2 + α1S204C 50±20* 3 0±2 n.s. 57±21* 3
α6N204Cβ2γ2 + α1S205C 70±40* 3 −4±6 n.s. 71±40* 3
α6T205Cβ2γ2 α1S206C 48±6* 3 14±8 <0.05 58±21* 3

Mutated GABAA receptors were expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Allosteric stimulation by 1 µM diazepam was determined (column labelled DZ (diazepam)) at EC2–5 for GABA. Data are given as % allosteric modulation. In independent experiments oocytes were exposed to GABA followed by 10 µM 3-NCS and after removing non-covalently reacted 3-NCS, allosteric stimulation was determined (column labelled 3-NCS). Subsequently the same oocyte was exposed to 1 µM diazepam (column labelled 3-NCS + diazepam) and allosteric stimulation was determined as compared to the initial application of GABA. *1µM Abecarnil was used. l.e. low expression, expressed currents were too small for measurement of covalent effects. p was determined with the one-way ANOVA followed by a post-hoc Dunnett’s test where the non-responsive receptors indicated with (+) served as one of the samples (mean ± mean SD, 0.25±5.5, n = 4). Data are given as mean ±SD.