Figure 3. The Pax7 lineage contributions in the cranial region.
LacZ/YFP expression in E15.5 Pax7-cre/ROSA reporters is detected in multiple cranial regions that include: A,B) the brain (asterisks), skull, skin and nose; A–C) in the nasal (n) region, interparietal (i), parietal (p) and frontal (f) bones of the skull (viewed in (C) with brain removed); D) frontal bone (f), meninges (m) and connective tissue (c; arrows inset). E,F) YFP reporter (green) is detected in teeth (postnatal day 5 (P5)), and the trigeminal ganglia (arrow, F) near Sox9+ cells (red, F). DAPI nuclear stain in blue. G–I) Pax7-cre/ROSA LacZ mice express LacZ in the nasal cartilage, cells of the frontonasal mesenchyme (FNM), olfactory epithelium (OE) and whisker follicles (wf). Arrowheads in (G–I) show distinct border between dense and diffuse recombination+ cells in cartilage. Note (C) has been cropped in Photoshop for aesthetics. Sections are sagittal (D–H) and coronal (I). HB –hindbrain, NC –nasal cavity, sep -septum. Scale bars in D,F,G,I-500 um; E,H, inset -200 um.