Figure 4. Limited cardiovascular tissue derived through the Pax7 lineage.
A–F) Recombination+ cells (LacZ+) are found in the heart and blood vessels of Pax7-cre/ROSA LacZ mice. A) Wholemount E9.5 embryos show faint LacZ+ cells in the heart (arrow). Inset shows lower magnification of panel. B–F) E15.5 sections show small populations of LacZ+ cells (arrows) in the B) heart, thymus (asterisk and inset), C) pulmonary valve (PV), D,E) aorta (Ao) and F) inner (arrow) through outer (arrowhead) layers of the brachiocephalic artery (BA). Boxes show magnified region in separate panel. PT –pulmonary trunk. Scale bars in B −500 um; insets, C–F −200 um.