Fig. 1.
(a) FFTEM of interdigitated DPPC phase in 3M ethanol at room temperature. (b) X-ray diffraction of (a) shows a single reflection at q ≈ 15.3 nm−1 indicating an untilted hexagonal lattice (inset) with d ≈ 0.41 nm, consistent with the interdigitated LβI phase.[12] (c) FFTEM of Lβ' phase at room temperature following removal of ethanol from (a). The sheet structure remains. (d) A sharp reflection at q ≈ 14.8 nm−1 with a broad shoulder at q ≈ 15.25 nm−1, indicates a distorted hexagonal lattice with d-spacings of 0.41 nm and 0.42 nm, consistent with the tilted (inset) Lβ' bilayer phase re-forming after ethanol removal.[12]