Table 1.
Child care setting | Poor | Non-poor | African American |
Hispanic | Asian | Native American |
White | LBW | Not LBW |
N = 2,450 (%) |
N = 5,100 (%) |
N = 1,200 (%) |
N = 1,450 (%) |
N = 750 (%) |
N = 150 (%) |
N = 3,350 (%) |
N = 2,000 (%) |
N = 5,550 (%) |
Head Startb | 28.7c,d | 8.0 | 31.5e | 22.0e | 8.5 | 31.2e | 7.9 | 21.6g | 14.8 |
Non-Head Start zcenter care |
26.3d | 56.3 | 37.8e | 31.6e | 59.2e | 27.0e | 54.9 | 43.8 | 46.4 |
Relative care | 15.0d | 11.9 | 13.6 | 15.6e | 13.1 | 13.0 | 11.1 | 12.0 | 12.9 |
Non-relative care | 4.9d | 9.6 | 5.5e | 6.3e | 4.2e | 5.2e | 9.5 | 5.4 | 8.0 |
Parental care | 25.1d 100 |
14.2 100 |
11.6 100 |
24.7e 100 |
15.0 100 |
23.6 100 |
16.6 100 |
17.2 100 |
17.9 100 |
Sample sizes are rounded to nearest 50 per ECLS-B data confidentiality requirements (see text)
Includes both center-based and non-center-based Head Start settings
All percentages are weighted to represent nationally representative estimates
Difference in percentage between poor and non-poor groups significant at p < 0.05 based on t test
Difference in percentage between indicated group and whites significant at p < 0.05 based on Scheffe’s test
Difference in percentage between low birthweight and non-low birthweight significant at p<0.05 based on Student t test