Fig. 4.
MM in the tumor area in WT and Cd38−/− brains. Brain sections, prepared from WT and Cd38−/− mice i.c. injected with 1 × 105 GL261 cells 20 days earlier were immunostained with the anti-Iba1 (with or without counterstaining with hematoxylin) (A) or with anti-F4/80 Ab (B). The images in the lower panel of (B) are magnifications of the areas included in the rectangles in the upper panel. Scale bar = 500 μm. Quantitation of the density of the Iba1- or F4/80-positive cells in the tumor area is shown in (C) and (E), respectively. Statistical analysis revealed significant difference in the F4/80-stained area between the WT and Cd38−/− (Student's t test, *P = .01) but not in the Iba1-stained area (Student's t test, P = .36). The data presented are expressed as the mean ± SEM; bars (n = 9 WT and 8 Cd38−/− mice, respectively). (D) Assessment of the MM cells in WT and Cd38−/− mice. WT and Cd38−/− glioma–bearing mice were processed for flow cytometry, as described in Fig. 3. The percentage of MM (CD11b+) in the tumor-containing hemisphere was examined within the immune population (CD45 gated cells). No significant difference in the proportion of CD11b+ cells within the CD45+ cell population was observed between WT and Cd38−/− (P = .38, Student's t test). The data presented are expressed as the mean ± SEM; bars (n = 8 and 5 for glioma-injected WT and Cd38−/− mice, respectively). (F) Assessment of CD38 expression in MM and TMM. WT mice were injected with GL261 cells or DMEM (sham) and 20 days later brains were removed, processed, stained, and analyzed for CD38 expression by flow cytometry. Expression of CD38 in MM (CD11b gated cells isolated from sham-injected brains) and TMM (CD11b gated cells isolated from GL261-injected brains) was assessed as the mean fluorescence multiplied by the percent of cells expressing the protein. CD38 expression was higher in TMM than in MM (*P = .05, Student's t test). The data presented are expressed as the mean ± SEM; bars n = 4 control samples (each pooled from 2 mice) and 8 glioma-injected mice.