Telencephalic guidance: expression of repulsive (in red) and attractive (in blue) guidance cues in the environment of mDA somas and axons between E14.5 and E18.5 in mice. mDA axons (in green) connect to the telencephalic regions through specific receptors (in green). The expression of these receptors has been detected in the mDA cells in the VM using double immunostaining against TH and protein receptors. Receptors expressed in all or most of the midbrain TH-expressing (TH+) cells are underlined, whereas receptors expressed in a small fraction of TH-expressing cells are not. EphB1 has been detected at the mRNA level in the VM. The repulsive effect of Sema7A on mDA axons remains to be determined5. The cephalic vesicles telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon are delimited in yellow, beige, pink, and purple, respectively. Cx, cortex; LGE, lateral ganglionic eminence; SN, substantia nigra; OT, olfactory tract; PFC, prefrontal cortex; sc, superior colliculus; Thal, thalamus; VTA, ventral tegmental area. 1Deschamps et al., 2009; 2Hernandez-Montiel et al., 2008; 3Janis et al., 1999; 4Yue et al., 1999; 5Pasterkamp et al., 2007; 6Lin et al., 2005; 7Marillat et al., 2002; 8Fenstermaker et al., 2010; 9Hamasaki et al., 2001; 10Xu et al., 2010.