Figure 2. T4 glomeruli lie outside DII and are closely associated with DI.
(A) Medial view of the olfactory epithelium showing overlapping distribution of ΔS50 (class I) and ΔM72 (class II) OSNs in the dorsal epithelium.
(B) Dorsal view of the olfactory bulbs in which ΔS50 and ΔM72 axons innervate DI (yellow) and DII (red).
(C) Dorsal view of the bulbs of a P-LacZ Tg+; T4-ChYFP heterozygous mouse showing DII axons (red) and T4 glomeruli (green). T4 glomeruli fall outside of DII.
(D) Coronal section through the bulb of a P-LacZ Tg+; T4-ChYFP heterozygous mouse showing a T4 glomerulus (green) in the LacZ-negative region. The boundary between this region and DII (red) is indicated by arrowheads. Nuclei are stained with TOPRO-3 (blue).
(E) Dorsal view of the bulbs of a ΔS50-YFP; T4-RFP double heterozygous mouse showing the DI axons (yellow) and T4 glomeruli (red).
(F) Coronal section showing absence of innervation of T4 glomerulus (red) by ΔS50-YFP axons (yellow). Counterstained with TOPRO-3 (blue).
Scale bar = 260 μm in A; 500 μm in B, C, E; 130 μm in D; 30 μm in F.