(A) Convulxin (10 nM), triplatin (1 μM), or DPTL (1 μM) was injected for 180 sec over immobilized GPVI using HBSP as a buffer. Dissociation was carried out for 5 min followed by regeneration of CM5 chip with HCl (10 mM). As a control, Cvx was injected again without loss of interaction with GPVI. (B) Calcein-labeled human platelets (2 × 105/μl) were incubated with fibrillar or soluble collagen for 1 h at indicated concentrations of triplatin. EDTA was used to discriminate GPVI- or integrin α2β1-mediated adhesion. Absolute fluorescence values are reported. Platelet adhesion BSA-blocked wells was negligible (n=6). (C) platelet-rich plasma (2 × 105/μl) was incubated with 50 μM indometacin, or 0.2 μM SQ29548 for 3 min alone, or with and without triplatin (1 μM) followed by addition of collagen (6.6 μg/ml).