Fig. 1.
Experimental setup of the 1064 nm time-lens source synchronized to a mode-locked laser. The time-lens source (enclosed by the dotted box) consists of a 1064 nm CW laser diode, 2 phase modulators (2PMs), 2 Mach-Zehnder intensity modulators (MZ1 and MZ2), a fiber circulator, a chirped fiber Bragg grating (CFBG), and Yb3+-doped fiber amplifiers (YDFAs, 2 preamps and 1 power amp). All fiber devices are polarization maintained except for the YDFAs where polarization controllers (PCs) are used to align the polarization states. The RF signals used to drive the 2 PMs and MZ1 are derived from the fast photodetector. MZ2 is driven with an external function generator at 10 MHz for SRS imaging. BS: beam splitter, DC: dichroic mirror, NB: narrow band, BB: broad band. Electrical paths are labeled with dashed lines, and optical paths are labeled with solid lines.