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. 2012 Jun 15;9:74. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-74

Table 1.

Characteristics of the total study population and according to children’s weight status (n = 7505)

  Frequency in study population (%) (unless otherwise specified)
Child has overweight (obesity included)a
P- valueb
No (n = 6847)
Yes (n = 658)
Parent characteristics
Mean age, years (SD)
36.8 (4.5)
36.9 (4.5)
36.3 (4.8)
Mother is respondent
6639 (88.5)
6055 (88.4)
584 (88.8)
Low educational levelc
1470 (19.6)
1274 (18.6)
196 (29.8)
Not employed
1888 (25.2)
1699 (24.8)
189 (28.7)
Single parent
506 (6.7)
437 (6.4)
69 (10.5)
Child characteristics
Mean age, years (SD)
5.7 (0.4)
5.7 (0.4)
5.8 (0.4)
3820 (50.9)
3567 (52.1)
253 (38.4)
Non-Dutch ethnicity
1044 (13.9)
909 (13.3)
135 (20.3)
Mean BMI (SD)
15.5 (1.5)
15.2 (1.1)
18.7 (1.4)
Child risk behaviors
Having breakfast <7 days/week
488 (6.5)
415 (6.1)
73 (11.1)
Drinking sweet beverages >2 glasses/day
4826 (64.3)
4377 (63.9)
449 (68.2)
Playing outside <1 h/day
486 (6.5)
445 (6.5)
41 (6.2)
Watching TV >2 hs/day
1430 (19.1)
1261 (18.4)
169 (25.7)
Number of child risk behaviors present
2059 (27.4)
1922 (28.1)
137 (20.8)
Only 1
3686 (51.5)
3530 (51.6)
338 (51.4)
Any 2
1386 (18.5)
1231 (18.0)
155 (23.6)
Any 3 or all 192 (2.6) 164 (2.4) 28 (4.3)

aAccording to the age and sex specific cut-off points for BMI as published by the IOTF [34]

bP-value for difference between overweight no/yes

cLow education level = no education, primary education, lower secondary vocational education, and preparatory secondary vocational education