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. 2012 Jul 31;7(7):e42162. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0042162

Table 1. Biological information and analyte concentrations in liver of Guiana dolphins.

Specimen Sex TL1 Age2 THg3 THg4 MeHg5 %MeHg6 TOrgHg7 Se8 Se9 Se:THg10
Sg #01 F 71.0 0 2.52 12.5 0.48 19.0 0.50 4.51 57.1 4.55
Sg #02 F 73.0 0 11.8 58.7 0.11 0.93 0.62 74.8 948 16.1
Sg #03 F 75.0 0 3.80 18.9 0.31 8.15 0.56 0.17 2.14 0.11
Sg #04 M 92.5 0 1.33 6.65 0.38 28.6 0.42 0.65 8.25 1.24
Sg #05 M 133.0 1 2.26 11.2 0.91 40.3 1.33 0.36 4.56 0.40
Sg #06 M 147.5 1 0.59 2.93 0.56 94.9 0.66 nd11 nd11 nd11
Sg #07 M 176.0 4 2.51 12.5 0.78 31.1 0.93 nd11 nd11 nd11
Sg #08 M 177.0 8 4.60 22.9 0.20 4.35 0.89 0.64 8.11 0.35
Sg #09 F 185.0 8 5.68 28.3 0.60 10.6 1.99 1.16 14.6 0.52
Sg #10 M 184.5 9 17.3 86.4 nd11 nd11 1.00 6.56 83.1 0.96
Sg #11 M 189.0 13 24.7 123 0.78 3.15 1.16 nd11 nd11 nd11
Sg #12 M 190.0 13 47.6 237 1.35 2.83 1.58 15.3 193 0.81
Sg #13 F 198.0 23 132 661 1.74 1.31 1.86 53.9 682 1.03
Sg #14 F 180.0 30 41.7 208 1.84 4.41 nd11 21.2 268 1.29
Sg #15 F 185.0 30 60.1 299.6 1.92 3.19 nd11 nd11 nd11 nd11
Sg #16 F 149.0 nd11 0.53 2.63 nd11 nd11 nd11 0.23 2.87 1.09
Sg #17 M 187.0 nd11 13.5 67.3 0.95 7.03 1.12 nd11 nd11 nd11
Sg #18 M 187.0 nd11 3.57 17.8 0.45 12.6 0.63 1.59 20.1 1.13
Sg #19 M 189.0 nd11 3.69 18.4 1.22 33.1 1.43 2.01 25.4 1.38

Total length in cm.


Age in years.


Total mercury concentration in µg/g, wet wt.


Total mercury concentration in nmol/g, wet wt.


Methylmercury concentration in µg/g, wet wt.


Percentage of methylmercury contribution to total mercury.


Total organic mercury concentration in µg/g, wet wt.


Selenium concentration in µg/g, wet wt.


Selenium concentration in nmol/g, wet wt.


Selenium: total mercury molar ratio.


Not determined.