THE EC lines NTERA2 and 2102Ep were infected with the lentivirus PTK vector harboring ADAR1-p110 gene under the CMV promoter. As a control, a similar plasmid harboring GFP under the CMV promoter was used. (A) mRNA expression levels of ADAR1-p110 transcript following infection. Analysis was done by QRT-PCR using specific primers, at 2dpi and 7dpi, relative to non-infected cells and normalized to GAPDH. (B) Western blot protein analysis. Lanes: 1-4- NETRA2, 5-8- 2102Ep; 1,5- uninfected, 2,6- ADAR1-p110 2dpi, 3,7- ADAR1-p110 7dpi, 4,8- 7dpi GFP infected. (C) Lentivirus integration into H9.2, HFF, and 293T infected cell genome verified by PCR for genomic DNA. Primers were designed so that the left primer corresponds to the CMV promotor and the right to the ADAR1-p110 sequence. PCR for a genomic segment of OCT4 and the RRE element of the viral construct was performed as control. Lanes: 1-4 NETRA2, 5-8 2102Ep; 1,5- uninfected 2,6- 15dpi, 3,7- 7dpi, 4,8- GFP infected 9- no template control.