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. 2012 Jul 30;56:10.3402/fnr.v56i0.19104. doi: 10.3402/fnr.v56i0.19104

Table 1.

Description of included prospective cohort studies.

Reference Cohort, country No. of participants Age, gender Exposure Diet method Outcome Follow-up Confounder adjustments Quality
Bomback et al. (33) Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC), USA 9,451 Mean age: 52–54 y, men and women Sugar-sweetened soft drinks Semi-quantitative FFQ Hyperuricemia 3 y Age, sex, BMI, sodium intake, caloric intake, hypertension, diabetes, tobacco and alcohol use, education, field centre and race B
de Koning et al. (28) Health Professionals follow-up Study, USA 40,389 40–75 y, men Sugar-sweetened beverages Semi-quantitative FFQ Type 2 diabetes 20 y Age, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, multivitamin use, family history of type 2 diabetes, high TG at baseline, high blood pressure, use of diuretics, weight change, adherence to a low calorie diet in 1994, the alternative healthy eating index, energy intake B
Dhingra et al. (19) Framingham Heart Study, USA 6,039 person-observations Mean age: 53 y, 57% women Soft drinks (both regular and diet) Physician-administered questionnaire Metabolic syndrome and individual components (waist, fasting glucose, blood pressure, fasting TG, HDL-C) 4 y Baseline levels of metabolic syndrome component, age, sex, physical activity, smoking, saturated fat, trans fat, fiber, magnesium, total calories, glycaemic index B
Duffey et al. (20) CARDIA, USA up to 2,639 18–30 y, 53–66% women Sugar-sweetened beverages (sugar-sweetened soda and fruit drinks) Semi-quantitative interviewer-administered diet history FFQ Blood pressure, fasting lipids, glucose and insulin 20 y Race, age, sex, weight, smoking, physical activity, calories from food, calories from other beverages, calories from alcohol, center B
Forman et al. (23) Nurses Health Study I, II, Health Professionals Follow up study, USA NHS1: 88,540; NHS2: 97,315; HPFS: 37,37 Age, women and men Fructose Semi-quantitative FFQ administered at baseline and every 4 y Hypertension NHS1: 20 y; NHS2: 14 y; HPFS: 18 y. Age, BMI, physical activity, smoking, family history of hypertension, intake of alcohol, caffeine, folate and vitamin C B
Fung et al. (34) Nurses Health Study, USA 88,520 34–59 y, women Sugar-sweetened soda and fruit drinks Semi-quantitative FFQ administered at baseline and every 4 y Coronary heart disease 24 y Age, smoking, alcohol intake, family history of coronary heart disease, physical activity, aspirin use, menopausal status, postmenopausal hormone use, history of hypertension, history of high cholesterol, diet (alternate healthy eating index) B
Hodge et al. (24) Melbourne Collaborative Cohort, Australia 31,276 40–69 y, women and men Sugars 121-item FFQ Type 2 diabetes 4 y (baseline 1990–94) Age, sex, country of birth, physical activity, family history of diabetes, education, alcohol intake, previous weight change, BMI, waist-hip-ratio C
Janket et al. (25) Women's Health Study, USA Mean age: 54 y, women Total sugars, sucrose, fructose semi-quantitative FFQ Diabetes 6 y Age, smoking, alcohol intake, multivitamin use, family history of diabetes, vigorous exercise, BMI, postmenopausal hormone use, history of hypertension, history of high cholesterol B
Meyer et al. (26) Iowa Women's Health Study, USA 35,988 55–69 y, women Sucrose, fructose FFQ Type 2 diabetes 6 y Age, energy intake, BMI, waist:hip ratio, education, smoking, alcohol intake and physical activity B
Montonen et al. (27) Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey, Finland 4,304 40–69 y, 46% women Total sugars, sucrose, fructose, soda drinks Dietary history interview (consumption during previous year) Type 2 diabetes 12 y (baseline 1966–72) Age, sex, BMI, energy intake, smoking, geographical area, physical activity, family history of diabetes and dietary pattern B
Odegaard et al. (29) Singapore Chinese Health Study, China 43,580 45–74 y, 46–59% women Soft drinks Semi-quantitative FFQ during previous year (face-to-face interview-based), eight frequency and three portion sizes. Type 2 diabetes 6 y (baseline 1993–1998) Age, sex, dialect, year of interview, educational level, smoking status, alcohol use, physical activity, saturated fat, dietary fiber, dairy, juice/soft drink, coffee BMI and energy intake B
Paganini-Hill et al. (35) Leisure World Cohort, USA 13,624 44–101 y, 63% women Sugar-sweetened soft drinks (cola beverages with sugar; other soft drinks with sugar) FFQ Mortality 23 y (baseline 1981) Age, sex, smoking, exercise, BMI, alcohol, histories of hypertension, angina, heart attack, stroke, diabetes rheumatoid arthritis, cancer C
Palmer et al. (32) Black Women's Health Study, USA 43,960 21–69 y, women Sugar-sweetened soft drinks; other fruit drinks (80% are sweetened) FFQ (frequency and three portion sizes) Type 2 diabetes 10 y (baseline 1995) Age, family history of diabetes, physical activity, cigarette smoking, education, the other drinks, red meat, processed meats, cereal fiber, coffee, glycaemic index B
Paynter et al. (31) Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC), USA 12,204 45–64 y, 56% women Sweetened beverages Interview-administered semi-quantitative FFQ Type 2 diabetes 3, 6 or 9 y Study center, age, race, education, family history of diabetes, BMI, waist-hip ratio, energy intake, dietary fiber, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity and hypertension B
Schulze et al. (30) Nurses Health Study II, USA 91,249 26–46 y, women Sugar-sweetened soft drinks Semi-quantitative FFQ Type 2 diabetes 8 y (baseline 1991, updated 1995) Age, alcohol intake, physical activity, family history of diabetes, smoking, postmenopausal hormone use, oral contraceptive use, fiber, magnesium, trans fat, PUFA:SFA ratio and consumption of diet soft drinks, fruit juice and fruit punch B