Fig. 5.
Relationship between spinally projecting, GABA neurons and vGLUT2 transporter. (A) Micrograph at Bregma −1.80 mm showing PVN with CTB-labelled presympathetic neurons (green) surrounded by varicosities stained positive for the vGLUT2 transporter (red). (a) Deconvolved image of boxed area in (A). The three presympathetic neurons (1–3) were surrounded by vGLUT2-positive varicosities (arrows). (a′, a″) Isosurface 3-D rendered views suggest some varicosities may be closely associated with the neuronal cell surface but the majority display no relationship with the presympathetic neurons. (B) Coronal section with the PVN defined by orange boutons labelled for vGLUT2 transporter (arrow) passing through GABA interneurons (boxed area, arrowhead). (C) High power of boxed area in (B) illustrating the relationship between two GABA interneurons (arrowhead) and vGLUT2 varicosities (arrows). (c, c′) Deconvolved and isosurface 3-D rendered images to show that the majority of vGLUT2-positive boutons (arrow) surround the GABA interneurons while a small number are closely apposed (arrowhead). Scale bars A, B = 60 μm; a, a″ = 11 μm; C = 11 μm; c, c′ = 5 μm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)