Figure 4.
EPC mobilization and vessel incorporation in mice with CSC-low and CSC-high tumors. A, EPC in peripheral blood ± DC101 (#/μL blood). Five mice per group. B, vessel-associated BMDC (GFP+; green) in CD31-stained microvessels (Cy3; red; ×200). Top, full field; bottom, zoomed subsection. Bar, 50 μm. Histogram: image quantification of microvessels containing BMDC (number of GFP+, CD31+ microvessels/field divided by total number of microvessels/field; counted manually). Five mice per group, eight fields per tumor. C and D, GFP+ RBCC/hemangiocytes, TEM (C), or endothelial cells (D), per 10,000 tumor cells, assessed by flow cytometry. Mice per group: (C) 8 for CSC-low and 10 for CSC-high and (D) 5 per group.