Figure 3. Effects of P/Q-channel blockade on IPSCs evoked in control and UC layer V Pyr cells.
A Baseline peak amplitude of eIPSCs decreased significantly in control (left) and UC (right) layer V Pyr cells after 0.2 μM agatoxin.
B. Time series showing mean eIPSC amplitude from 3 control (open circles) and 6 UC (filled circles) Pyr cells during long term recordings after P/Q-channel blockade with increased (1 μM) agatoxin concentration. P/Q-channel blockade decreased control peak amplitude of eIPSCs by approximately 50%, similar to result with 0.2 μM agatoxin in A. Peak amplitude of eIPSCs in UC cells was markedly reduced after prolonged exposure to 1 μM agatoxin. Inset: Representative eIPSCs from control (upper traces) and UC Pyr cells (lower traces) at baseline (left) and after 1 μM agatoxin perfusion (right) showing differences in sensitivity to P/Q-channel blockade. Bottom right: sample trace from UC neuron showing persistent failure of eIPSC to increased stimulus width (3T).