Figure 1.
Effects of ZJ43 and ZJ44 on d-amphetamine (AMPH)-induced motor activation. AMPH increased motor activation in C57BL mice as assessed by ambulatory distance travelled in the open field chamber. The N-acetylaspartylglutamate peptidase inhibitor ZJ43 injected (intraperitoneally) 15 min before AMPH significantly lowered the distance traveled for the groups treated with 100 (**P<0.01) and 150 mg kg−1 ZJ43 (***P<0.001). A significant main effect of the drug (P<0.01) and interaction between the drug and treatment (P<0.001) were observed. n=7–12 in the saline-treated (s) and n=11–15 in the AMPH groups. ZJ44, a structural analogue ZJ43, injected 15 min before amph, failed to reverse the motor activation with n=8–12 animals/group. In this and the following figures *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001.