Table 3.
Significant others’ health behaviors and attitudes and young adults’ fruit and vegetable intake (cut-point ≥ 5 servings/day)* at Time 3
Male Young Adult | Female Young Adult | |
Prevalence eating ≥ 5 fruit/vege. per day |
Prevalence eating ≥ 5 fruit/vege. per day |
Significant Others’ Health Behaviors & Attitudes |
(n = 458) |
(n = 627) |
Cares About Healthy Eating: |
Not at all/Little |
19.8% |
18.8% |
Somewhat/Very Much |
23.9% |
30.3% |
PD** (95% CI) |
4.1% (−7.7%, 15.8%) |
11.5% (2.8%, 20.1%) |
Thinks it is Important to be Physically Active: |
Strongly disagree/disagree |
17.7% |
16.8% |
Agree/strongly agree |
24.2% |
27.9% |
PD** (95% CI) |
6.5% (−5.0%, 18.1%) |
11.1% (1.9%, 20.3%) |
Plays Sports or Does Something Active: |
Strongly disagree/disagree |
19.3% |
20.5% |
Agree/strongly agree |
25.7% |
28.6% |
PD** (95% CI) |
6.5% (−3.0%, 16.2%) |
8.1% (−0.6%, 16.8%) |
We do Active Things Together: |
Strongly disagree/disagree |
19.7% |
21.8% |
Agree/strongly agree |
23.3% |
27.0% |
PD** (95% CI) | 3.5% (−6.8%, 13.9%) | 5.2% (−4.0%, 14.3%) |
* All regression models adjusted for race, educational attainment, age and fruit and vegetable intake at time 2.
**PD: Prevalence Difference, the difference between the predicted prevalences and their 95% confidence intervals.