cAMP and cCMP display different gating efficacies in HCN2. A, activation curves of HCN2 for different cCMP concentrations as indicated. B, shift in V0.5 versus concentrations of cAMP (black circles) and cCMP (red circles) for HCN2. Data represent means ± S.E. of 7–19 cells. C, activation curves of HCN2 in the absence of cyclic nucleotides (black circles), in the presence of 10 μm cAMP (red circles), and in the presence of 10 μm cAMP + 1 mm cCMP (green circles). D, shift in the activation curves from the experiments shown in A and C. E, activation curves of HCN2 in the absence of cyclic nucleotides (black circles), in the presence of 1 μm cAMP (red circles), in the presence of 50 μm cCMP (green circles), and in the presence of 1 μm cAMP + 50 μm cCMP (blue circles). F, shift in the activation curves from the experiments shown in E. G, activation curve of an HCN2 mutant with an impaired CNBD (HCN2(R591E/T592A) (HCN2EA)) in the absence (green circles) and presence (red circles) of 1000 μm cCMP. H, V0.5 values for the experiments shown in G. ***, p < 0.001.