Mean cardiac output (CO) difference between thermodilution and Fick CO in different subpopulations based on diagnosis, cardiac index status and severity of tricuspid regurgitation jet velocity (TRJ) (Bland and Altman method)
Mean CO difference* | 2 SD confidence interval for CO difference | |
All procedures (n=213) | −0.39 | −4.44 to +3.66 |
PAH (irrespective of being on PAH-specific therapy) (n=91) | −0.25 | −4.36 to +3.86 |
PAH not on PAH-specific therapy (n=62) | −0.21 | −4.50 to +4.08 |
Non-PAH (n=122) | −0.49 | −4.51 to +3.53 |
Low CI† (CI <2.5 L/min/m2) (n=75) | −1.10 | −4.46 to +2.26 |
Normal CI† (2.5< CI <4 L/min/m2) (n=122) | −0.17 | −4.03 to +3.69 |
High CI† (CI >4 L/min/m2) (n=16) | +1.36 | −4.26 to +6.98 |
TRJ <3 m/s (n=120)‡ | −0.41 | −4.62 to +3.80 |
TRJ <3 m/s, excluding those with missing values (n=54) | −0.39 | −5.00 to +4.22 |
TRJ >3 m/s (n=93) | −0.36 | −4.23 to +3.51 |
TRJ >4 m/s (n=20) | −0.29 | −3.54 to +2.96 |
Number of procedures may include multiple procedures performed on the same patient.
Thermodilution – Fick CO (in L/min);
Cardiac index (CI) based on ther-modilution;
66 patients did not have a TRJ reported on their echocardiogram, mostly because it was not detected. PAH Pulmonary arterial hypertension