Figure 5.
Mapping of the activation and length of silent period of contralateral FDI muscle for affected and unaffected hemisphere. (Top) In each square, the average of the EMG activity after stimulation in each location on the scalp has been plotted. Note the absence of MEP in any location of contralateral FDI after stimulation of ipsilesional side. (Bottom). Mapping of the EMG activity of contralateral FDI muscle for affected and unaffected hemisphere during voluntary contraction of the muscle. In each cell, the average of EMG activity after stimulation in each location on the scalp has been plotted. In this case, cortical silent period (CSP) on EMG in both FDI contralateral muscles after TMS pulse in several locations of the scalp is observable. However, MEP previous to the CSP only occurs reliably in the ipsilesional FDI after stimulation (starred). In all maps, the vertex is located in the origin of coordinates.