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. 2012 Mar 29;6:33–61. doi: 10.4137/SART.S7864

Table 2.

Interventions for Bulimia Nervosa.

Author N (% female) Recruitment source Diagnostic/inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Tx conditions (duration and setting) Primary outcome assessed Secondary outcome assessed Primary results Secondary results
Psychopharmacological Interventions
Walsh et al.50 22 (100) Poor responders to outpatient CBT or IPT DSM-III-R BNp 8 weeks
60 mg
  • – FLX

  • – PL

Binge, purge episodes in last month, EDE, TFEQ RSES, BMI, BDI FLX > PL FLX = PL
Romano et al.49 150 (98) Outpatient FLX treatment responders DSM-IV BNp > 18 Serious psychiatric condition, previous external treatment >4 weeks 52 weeks
outpatient relapse prevention
60 mg
  • – FLX

  • – PL

Time to relapse, binge/purge frequency, YCB-EDS CGI, PGI FLX > PL FLX > PL
Milano et al.44 12 (100) DSM-IV BN 12 weeks
200 mg
  • – FLV

  • – PL

Binge/purge episodes Body weight FLV > PL FLV > PL
Milano et al.46 20 (100) Outpatient DSM-IV BNp 24–36 years old 12 weeks
100 mg
  • – SER

  • – PL

Binge/purge episodes % body weight reduction SER > PL SER > PL
Psychosocial Interventions
Interpersonal Psychotherapy
Agras et al.54 220 (–) Outpatient DSM-III-R BNp, >18 years old Severe psychical or psychiatric condition, current AN, current tx, pregnancy 19 sessions
  • – CBT

  • – IPT

1 year follow-up
Recovery and remission rate, binge/purge frequency, EDE SCL-90-R, RSES, IIP, SAS CBT > IPT on % remitted and recovered, binge/purge frequency, dietary restraint At follow-up: CBT= IPT CBT = IPT
At follow-up: CBT = IPT
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Agras et al.54 220 (–) Outpatient DSM-III-R BNp, >18 years old Severe psychical or psychiatric condition, current AN, current tx, pregnancy 19 sessions
  • – CBT

  • – IPT

1 year follow-up
Recovery and remission rate, binge/purge frequency, EDE SCL-90-R, RSES, IIP, SAS CBT > IPT on % remitted and recovered, binge/purge frequency, dietary restraint At follow-up: CBT = IPT CBT = IPT
At follow-up: CBT = IPT
Carter et al.61 85 (100) Waitlist for tx at hospital-based clinic DSM-IV BNp (≥1 episode/week) <17 years old, pregnant, medical illness, current psychosocial tx, BMI <18 8 weeks
  • – CBTsh

  • – NSTsh

  • – WL

Frequency of binge and compensatory behaviors, EDI, EDE RSES, BDI, IIP CBTsh = NSTsh = WL Simple time effects: CBTsh and NSTsh both had significant decreases in binge/compensatory behaviors over time; WL did not CBTsh = NSTsh = WL
Bailer et al.59 81 (–) Community outpatient DSM-IV BNp >17 years old Medical instability, severe suicidality 18 weeks
  • – gCBT

  • – GSH

1 year follow-up
Monthly frequency of binge/purge episodes, EDI BDI gCBT = GSH
At follow-up: Guided self-help > gCBT in remission rate
Schmidt et al.56 85 (–) Community referrals DSM-IV BN or EDNOS (<2 episodes per week; or purging only), 13–20 years old BMI < 10th percentile, substance dependence, severe mental illness 13 weeks
  • – Family Therapy (FT)

  • – CBTgsh

Abstinence from binge eating, vomiting, EATATE, EDE, ORFI Health costs CBTgsh > FT on abstinence of binge eating at 6 months CBTgsh = FT on abstinence of binge eating at 12 months, purging at 6, 12 months CBTgsh = FT
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Safer et al.65 31 (100) Community Adapted DSM-IV BNp (≥1 episode/week), 18–65 years old BMI < 17.5, psychosis, suicidality, active drug/alcohol abuse, concurrent tx 20 sessions
  • – DBT

  • – WL

Frequency of binge/purge episodes BDI, NMRS, EES, multi-dimensional personality scale, PANAS, RSES DBT > WL DBT = WL
Weight Loss Treatment
Burton and Stice132 85 (100) University and community outpatient Adapted DSM-IV BN (≥1 episode/week), 18–55 years old Treatment in past month, BMI < 19, serious medical or psychiatric condition Outpatient
6 sessions
  • – HDI

  • – WL

Remission status, binge/compensatory episodes (EDE) BMI, SAS, health care utilization scale HDI > WL HDI > WL for reduction in BMI, health care utilization
Family Based Therapy
LeGrange et al.68 80 (–) Community and outpatient referrals DSM-IV BN (≥1 episode/week) for 6 months, 12–19 years old Substance dependence, BMI < 17.5 20 sessions
  • – FBT

  • – Supportive Psychotherapy (SPT)

Remission rate (EDE) K-SADS, BDI, RSES, tx suitability FT > SPT FT> SPT on vomiting, compensatory behavior frequency, EDE subscales
Schmidt et al.56 85 (–) Community referrals DSM-IV BN or EDNOS (<2 episodes per week; or purging only), 13–20 years old BMI < 10th percentile, substance dependence, severe mental illness 13 weeks
  • – Family Therapy (FT)

  • – CBTgsh

Abstinence from binge eating, vomiting, EATATE, EDE ORFI, health costs CBTgsh > FT on abstinence of binge eating at 6 months CBTgsh = FT on abstinence of binge eating at 12 months, purging at 6, 12 months CBTgsh = FT
Psychopharmacological + Psychosocial Interventions
Mitchell et al.71 91 (100) Community and outpatient clinic DSM-III-R BN (≥3 episodes/week) >18 years old, >85% IBW Serious medical condition, adverse reaction to fluoxetine 16 weeks
  • – FLX 60 mg

  • – PL

  • – SH +FLX

  • – SH +PL

Frequency of binge, vomit episodes, EDQ, EDI HRSD, CGI, PGI FLX > PL on vomiting SH + FLX, SH +PL > FLX, PL on vomiting FLX > PL on CGI, PGI
Walsh et al.72 91 (100) Community DSM-IV BNp (≥1 episode/week), 18–60 years old, BMI > 17.5 Pregnancy, serious medical or psychiatric illness, concurrent tx 16 weeks
  • – FLX

  • – PL

  • – FLX + CBTgsh

  • – PL + CBTgsh

Frequency of binge, vomit episodes, EDE BDI, SCL-53, FLX > PL On frequency of binge, vomit episodes, EDE dietary restraint CBTgsh = FLX FLX > PL CBTgsh = FLX

Note: Greater than symbol (>) refers to significantly better outcome.

Abbreviations: AN, Anorexia Nervosa; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; BED, Binge Eating Disorder; BMI, Body Mass Index; BN, Bulimia Nervosa; BT, Behavior Therapy; CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; CGI, Clinical Global Impression; CTRL, Control group; DBT, Dialectical Behavior Therapy; EDI, Eating Disorders Inventory; EDE, Eating Disorders Examination; EES, Emotional Eating Scale; FLX, Fluoxetine; FLV, Fluvoxamine; FT, Family-Based Therapy; g, Group Therapy; gsh, Guided Self Help; HDI, Healthy Diet Intervention; HRSD, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; IIP, Inventory of Interpersonal Problems; IMP, Imipramine; IPT, Interpersonal Psychotherapy; K-SADS, Kiddie Schedule of Affective Disorders; NMRS, Negative Mood Regulation Scale; ORFI, Oxford Risk Factor Inventory; NST, Nonspecific Supportive Therapy; PANAS, Positive and Negative Affectivity Scale; PL, Placebo; PGI, Patient Global Improvement; RSES, Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale; SAS, Weissman Social Adjustment Scale; SCL-90, Symptom Checklist; SER, Sertraline; SH, Self Help; SIB, Sibutramine; SM, Self-Monitoring; SPT, Supportive Psychotherapy; TFEQ, Three Factor Eating Questionnaire; TOP, Topiramate; VAS, Visual Analog Scale; WL, Wait List Control; YCB-EDS, Yale Cornell Brown Eating Disorder Scale.