Table 2. Parameter assumptions for analytical simplifications.
Assumption | Reasons/references | Exceptions |
δi, δi(1– εi) >> hi | Recycling exceeds losses1 | Heavy soil disturbance |
Bνi >>ki | Recycling exceeds losses1 | Low B (after disturbance) |
mi >> φi | Recycling exceeds losses1 | Heavy soil disturbance |
φi >> ψ | Weathering is very slow2 | Rapid weathering rate |
ωP>> ωN | Biological stoichiometry3 | |
εP> εN | Litter biochemistry4 | Common ground fires |
mP> mN | SOM biochemistry4 | Common ground fires |
δP ≈ δN | Parameter definition5 | |
hP ≈ hN | Same material6 | Common ground fires |
φP ≈ φN | Same material6 | Common intense fires |
miDi >> |Ii – kiAi,i| | Recycling exceedsinputs/losses1 | Heavy pollution, Low D |
Table notes and references: The subscript i refers to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P).
In non-agricultural systems, internal recycling of both N and P (between plants and soils) typically exceeds total inputs and losses (to or from the atmosphere or waterways) many fold, both globally [44], [101] and at individual sites [102]. Consequently, litter decomposition is much greater than litter loss (δiLi >> hiLi), plant uptake is much greater than losses of plant-available nutrients (BνiAi >> kiAi), SOM mineralization is much greater than SOM loss (miDi >> φiDi), and SOM mineralization is much greater than the balance of abiotic inputs and plant-available losses (miDi >> |Ii – kiAi,i|). Exceptions to this pattern will occur where losses are very high (e.g., when ground fires or heavy erosion frequently remove substantial amounts of litter, it is unlikely that δi >> hi), where plant or SOM pools are very small (e.g., at the beginning of primary succession, it is unlikely that miDi >> |Ii – kiAi,i|; see text and analysis), or in heavily polluted regions.
See ref [51].
P is more readily cleaved from organic matter than N (see text).
For decomposition, we have defined the parameters such that ε controls the relative mineralization of N versus P and δ is the overall litter decomposition rate.
N and P loss rates via leaching and erosion should be similar because they come from the same organic material. In ecosystems where fire is important, organic N loss rates may be relatively higher than P.