Table 2. Partial Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum Cohort Characterization.
ID | VIQ | PIQ | P/C | CC details | PB | AC | HC | CO | WM | Other MRI findings: | Medications | Other diagnosis: |
1096–0 | 77 | 109 | P | Absent rostrum, superior genu, body and splenium | + | Nl | – | + | Mod | polymicrogyria, periventricular heterotopia, & interhemispheric cyst | Valproic Acid Prozac | ASD; OCD; Epilepsy |
1384 | 110 | 87 | P | dysplastic with absent genu, superior body, and splenium | + | Lg | + | + | Mod | interhemispheric cyst | None | Depression, Migraine |
1015 | 101 | 107 | P | Absent superior genu, body and splenium | + | Sm | + | + | Severe | abnormal medial temporal cortical folding | None | None |
1258–0 | 100 | 112 | P | Absent rostrum, inferior genu, thin anterior body, absent splenium | + | Nl | – | – | Nl | none | None | Migraine |
1477 | 100 | 96 | P | Absent rostrum, superior genu, body, and splenium | + | Lg | – | + | Mild | none | None | Migraine |
1419 | 135 | 116 | P | Absent inferior genu, posterior body and splenium | – | Lg | − | – | Nl | none | None | None |
1605 | 85 | 73 | P | Absence of rostrum, inferior genu hypoplastic, posterior body and splenium absent | – | Nl | n/a | − | Nl | small ventricles | Lithium, Seroquel | Hearing impaired |
1746 | 90 | 79 | P | Absence of posterior body | − | − | + | − | Mild | Large ventricles | None | None |
1671 | 111 | 114 | P | Posterior genu, anterior body present only | + | Lg | − | + | Mild | Large interhemispheric glioma, | None | Tremor |
Abbreviations: PIQ = performance IQ; VIQ = verbal IQ; P/C = (P)artial or (C)omplete callosal agenesis; PB = probst bundle; AC = anterior commisure size; HC = presence of hippocampal commisure; CO = presence of colpocephaly; WM = degree of white matter reduction (most affected area); P = partial; C = complete; + = present; − = absent; Sm = small; Nl = normal; Lg = large; n/a = not available/indeterminate.