Figure 2. Decreased tissue pathology in recipient mice given RORC−/− donor T cells.
4 × 106 (CD25−) Tconv cells from RORC−/− or WT mice with WT TCD BM were transplanted into lethally irradiated (950 cGy) B6D2 F1 recipients. Organs were harvested on day 15 post-transplantation and processed as described. Tissues were evaluated by one of us (APM) blinded to the treatment group and scored using a semi-quantitative GvHD scoring system. Shown are the mean scores with error bars indicating SEM. Statistical significance was determined using Mann-Whitney test, *p<0.05. n = 5 mice analyzed given WT or RORC−/− T cells. n=4 for bone marrow controls. Data pooled from an individual transplant using RORC−/− or WT Tconv.