Fig. 1.
myb30 is hypersensitive to ABA. (A and B) ABA sensitivity of wild-type and the 1303H/myb30-2 mutant. Photographs were taken 8 d after sowing seeds on MS medium without (A) or with 0.3 μM ABA (B). (C) Germination (green cotyledons) frequencies were scored at the indicated times and represent an average of 100 seeds from three independent experiments ± SE. (D) The gene structure of At3g28910. Filled boxes indicate exons and the lines indicate introns. Sites of insertions in the myb30-2 and myb30-1 mutants are marked. (E) Expression of MYB30 in wild-type, myb30-1, and myb30-2 mutant seedlings was analyzed by RT-PCR with Tubulin included as a loading control.