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. 2012 Jul 26;2012:835464. doi: 10.1155/2012/835464

Table 1.

Results from the first focus group of women and midwives on the use of text messaging services in support of maternal obesity management.

Categories Subcategories Data extracts
Modernising [we are] comfortable with using online technology to find things our and get information  ... [it's] probably is the best way to go, isn't it, because it's cheaper than—well I'm assuming it's cheaper than—having more face to face options' (Alice)
Benefits Motivating All you need sometimes is just that one person to say, come on, do it, and it just helps you, doesn't it? (Rachel)
Reminding In those 4 weeks [between appointments] it would have been nice to get the odd text message, just to make sure you are still on the right track. That text message might make you think, oh, I won't have that chocolate bar now, I'll have something else” (Sally)
Reducing isolation I think the fact somebody, just somebody is communicating with you, even though it's a text message, throughout your pregnancy, you wouldn't feel as lonely and you'd think, y'know, there is somebody there” (Jenny)

Risk and limitations Potential for offence, pressure, or guilt It's a fine line between encouraging people and putting too much pressure on people, and there are some people who would possibly take it too far to the extreme, and maybe under-eat or see it as too much pressure. I don't mean to be negative but I just think that, not everybody, but some people, might find it too much pressure (Alice)
Impact limited by mood or motivation Kathy (MW) [when] I'm feeling more motivated and focused I wouldn't mind [a message]. So that's quite important isn't it, when we all feel that…
Anna (MW): It's the frame of mind
Kathy (MW): In that frame of mind, that motivational message is great. But on a fat day, that motivational message might make you feel like oh I can't be bothered today

Available to all We've got to tell all women … not just focusing on women who've got high BMIs, it's focusing on every single woman and advising about pregnancy (Jane, MW)
Service delivery Positive and sensitive message tone You'd have to make sure you got the tone of the message really right, maybe  ... put something really positive in like you're doing a really good job so far, or something like that, rather than just Go for a walk! or Don't eat that doughnut!” (group laughter) (Alice)
Personalised and informative message content If you got a text message maybe that morning saying “so and so class is on today,” or tonight, or tomorrow, and then you're more likely to remember to go and to be motivated cause you can like psych yourself up for it (Sally)
Jenny: What about texting you a quick recipe for your tea or something like that?
Lucy: Yeah, like what to eat or don't eat as snacks tonight   …
Jenny: Change your crisps for an apple type of thing (laughter)
Other mobile technologies (e.g., web-based networking) A chat room web page just for Doncaster people, so for people using the internet like me and Lucy, you can talk to other mums in Doncaster, arrange a night out for tea, or a night out going doing a walk round the lakeside or something, cause you, cause you're all local you can all talk to each other (Rachel)