a Western blots showing SIRT7 levels from stable cell lines used in (b). b, Reduced anchorage-independent growth of SIRT7 knockdown cells when plated in soft agar, and reconstitution with wild-type but not mutant SIRT7. Data represent mean +/− S.E.M. of three independent experiments. c, Western analysis showing impaired H3K18 deacetylation induced by E1A in S7KD HT1080 cells. Rel. H3K18Ac: relative levels of H3K18Ac in mock-treated versus E1A expressing cells, normalized to total H3 levels. d, SIRT7 depletion impairs E1A-mediated loss of contact inhibition in primary IMR90 fibroblasts determined by flow cytometry. DNA content (2N or 4N, as determined by propidium iodide (PI) staining) is indicated. e, Representative imaging of tumours derived from SIRT7-knockdown or control cells, following subcutaneous xenograft transplants in immunodeficient mice, 16 days post injection. f, Tumour volume (mean +/− S.E.M.; n=5) as in (e), measured over 35 days.