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. 2011 Feb;52(2):195–203. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2010.02312.x

Table 3.

Means and standard deviations for the measures of phonological skill, executive function and time perception for each of the four groups; main effects and interactions from the 2×2 ANOVA are also displayed

TD-control Dyslexia-only AS-only Dyslexia+AS Main effect Interaction

Dyslexia AS Dyslexia × AS

Measure M SD n M SD n M SD n M SD n F ηp2 F ηp2 F ηp2
Phonological skills
 Phoneme deletion (18) 13.31 3.80 42 10.53 4.09 17 11.94 4.13 17 9.76 3.59 25 9.11** .09 1.69 .02 .13 .00
 CNRep (40) 35.37 3.69 35 30.94 5.15 17 32.71 5.76 17 31.36 3.77 25 9.15** .09 1.38 .02 2.61 .03
 Phonemic decoding (63) 37.82 14.44 38 15.12 9.05 17 29.71 19.73 17 18.76 9.77 25 32.62** .26 .58 .01 3.89* .04
 Digit recall (54) 29.98 4.42 40 26.47 4.23 17 39.00 6.59 17 27.84 4.14 25 5.26* .05 .04 .00 1.33 .01
Executive function
 Inhibition (SSRT task)
  MRT (ms) 653.97 172.58 35 663.72 142.19 17 726.93 174.30 17 685.42 171.46 24 .19 .00 1.70 .02 .50 .01
  SDRT (ms) 204.65 83.63 35 200.84 60.48 17 257.96 85.86 17 249.10 68.24 24 .15 .00 9.37** .10 .02 .00
  SSRT (ms) 316.64 103.96 35 336.47 80.10 17 372.22 146.61 17 369.93 126.05 24 .12 .00 3.18 .04 .20 .00
  SSD (ms) 337.33 135.05 35 361.06 160.57 17 354.71 173.90 17 315.49 190.15 24 .05 .00 .16 .00 .80 .01
  Probability of inhibition .54 .08 35 .54 .10 17 .53 .14 17 .51 .12 24 .12 .00 .86 .01 .02 .00
 Memory skills
  Listening recall (36) 12.18 3.02 39 12.94 3.78 17 10.59 5.09 17 11.08 3.57 25 .62 .01 4.72* .05 .03 .00
  Block recall (54) 26.59 4.82 37 25.65 3.77 17 23.41 3.64 17 25.04 4.72 25 .13 .00 3.95* .04 1.83 .03
 Sustained attention
  Score! raw score (10) 7.43 2.34 35 7.06 2.14 17 5.69 2.87 16 5.72 2.41 25 .10 .00 8.52** .09 .15 .00
Time perception
 Duration discrimination threshold (ms) 399.06 203.79 39 477.36 109.16 17 466.21 232.78 17 584.03 226.93 25 5.10* .05 4.00* .04 .21 .00
Catch-trial’ errors .02 .06 39 .01 .04 17 .10 .17 17 .12 .14 25 .05 .00 15.94** .15 .51 .01
 TTRE (ms) 1336.45 1036.55 35 1287.89 755.67 16 1621.76 926.83 17 2064.17 998.05 25 .88 .01 6.38* .07 1.37 .02

Note: TTRE = total time reproduction error; SSRT = stop signal reaction time; SSD = stop signal delay; MRT = mean reaction time; SDRT = standard deviation of reaction time, *p < .05, **p < .01.