GLP-1 receptor expression in C cell hyperplasia in the presence of MEN (subject 28). A, H&E-stained histological section of a medullary thyroid microcarcinoma (<1 cm) arising from a background of nodular/neoplastic C cell hyperplasia in patient with MEN-2A (original magnification, ×40). The neoplastic C cells have extended beyond the basal lamina and are infiltrating the normal thyroid parenchyma. Note the presence of entrapped thyroid follicles (asterisks). B, Immunofluorescent image of the same medullary thyroid microcarcinoma showing relatively uniform expression of calcitonin (green) with more heterogeneous expression of GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R; NLS1206; red). Nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (blue). C–E, Higher magnification of boxed area of tumor shown in B that emphasizes the relative homogeneity of calcitonin immunoreactivity (green, C) but heterogeneity of GLP-1R immunoreactivity (NLS1206; red, D) in C cells (merged image with DAPI blue and orange shows colocalization, E). Scale bar, 50 μm. F–H, A region of nodular C cell hyperplasia from the same thyroid gland. The C cells express calcitonin (green, F) and to a varying degree GLP-1R (NLS1206; red, G). In the merged image (DAPI, blue, H), it is apparent that the adjacent thyroid follicular cells are negative for both calcitonin and GLP-1R. Scale bar, 50 μm.