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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Aug 6.
Published in final edited form as: Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2011 Mar 23;4(5):735–743. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-10-0289

Table 2.

Included prospective studies of circulating levels of 25(OH)D and risk of colon and rectal cancers

Study name* First author, year (Ref no.) Country (Sex) Age at blood donation in controls (years) Study dates (Follow-up) 25(OH)D, mean or median Colon Rectum

25(OH)D levels in the top vs. bottom quantiles No. of cases/controls OR (95% CI) in the quantiles 25(OH)D levels in the top vs. bottom quantiles No. of cases/controls OR (95% CI) in the quantiles
CLUE A§ Garland, 1989 (11) US (M, W) 74.7% in 45–74 year 1975–1983 30.5 in cases and 33.3 ng/mL in controls, mean 42 vs. 19 ng/mL, cutoff 34/67 Q1–Q5 N/A N/A N/A
1.0 (ref), 0.48, 0.25, 0.21, 0.73 (0.20–2.66)
CLUE B§ Braun, 1995 (18) US (M, W) 55, median 1984–1991 23.6 in cases and 23.2 ng/mL in controls, mean 30.1 vs. 17.2 ng/mL, cutoff 57/114 Q1–Q5 N/A N/A N/A
1.0 (ref), 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.4 (0.1–1.4)
P-trend = 0.57
ATBC§ Tangrea, 1997 (14) Finland (M) 60, median 1985–1993 12.1 in cases and 13.8 ng/mL in controls, mean 19.3 vs. 9.8 ng/mL, cutoff 91/181 Q1–Q4 19.2 vs. 9.8 ng/mL, cutoff 55/109 Q1–Q4
1.0 (ref), 0.6, 0.8, 0.8 (0.4–1.6) 1.0 (ref), 0.9, 0.8, 0.4 (0.1–1.1)
P-trend = 0.69 P-trend = 0.06
NHS|| Feskanich, 2004 (7) US (W) 60.0, mean 1989–2000 23.6 in cases and 24.3 ng/mL in controls in lab1, 27.0 in cases and 30.3 ng/mL in controls in lab2, mean 28.7 vs. 18.9 ng/mL in lab1, 35.9 vs. 23.6 ng/mL in lab 2, cutoff 149/295 Q1–Q4 27.2 vs. 20.5 ng/mL in lab1, 33.5 vs. 26.1 ng/mL in lab 2, cutoff 44/88 Q1–Q3
1.0 (ref), 1.03, 0.54, 0.70 (0.35–1.38) 1.0 (ref), 0.52, 0.31 (0.08–1.31)
P-trend = 0.17 P-trend = 0.03
HPFS|| Wu, 2007 (8) US (M) 66.1, mean 1993–2002 28.7 in cases and 29.4 ng/mL in controls, mean 38.8 vs. 19.3 ng/mL, median 139/276 Q1–Q4 37.4 vs. 21.2 ng/mL, median 40/80 Q1–Q3
1.0 (ref), 0.74, 0.29, 0.46 (0.24–0.89) 1.0 (ref), 1.74, 3.32 (0.87–12.69)
P-trend = 0.005 P-trend = 0.08
WHI§ Wactawski-Wende, 2006 (10) **,†† US (W) 50–79, range 1993–2005 N/A N/A N/A N/A 23.4 vs. 12.4 ng/mL, cutoff 68/68 Q1–Q4
3.40 (1.13–10.21) ‡‡, 1.08, 3.41, 1.00 (ref)
P-trend = 0.22
JPHS|| Otani, 2007 (13) Japan (M) 56.9, mean 1990–2003 27.3 in cases and 27.6 ng/mL in controls, median 35.6 vs. 19.9 ng/mL, median 119/237 Q1–Q4 35.6 vs. 19.9 ng/mL, median 44/87 Q1–Q4
1.0 (ref), 0.98, 1.0, 1.2 (0.51–2.7) 1.0 (ref), 0.17, 0.25, 0.075 (0.0057–0.99)
P-trend = 0.70 P-trend = 0.06
Japan (W) 56.4, mean 1990–2003 22.5 in cases and 22.3 ng/mL in controls, median 31.4 vs. 16.6 ng/mL, median 106/195 Q1–Q4 31.4 vs. 16.6 ng/mL, median 54/102 Q1–Q4
1.0 (ref), 1.7, 2.1, 2.1 (0.78–5.6) 1.0 (ref), 0.26, 0.46, 0.33 (0.084–1.3)
P-trend = 0.12 P-trend = 0.17
EPIC||,§ Jenab, 2010 (9)†† Europe (M, W) 58.7 for colon, 58.0 for rectum, mean 1992–2003 20.7 in cases and 22.9 ng/mL in controls for colon, 22.0 in cases and 22.0 ng/mL in controls for rectum, geometric mean 39.7 vs. 13.2 ng/mL, median 785/785 Q1–Q5 41.7 vs. 12.8 ng/mL, median 463/463 Q1–Q5
1.0 (ref),. 0.77, 0.65, 0.66, 0.47 (0.33–0.68) 1.0 (ref), 1.29, 1.06, 1.18, 0.89 (0.56–1.43)
P-trend<0.001 P-trend=0.647
MEC|| Woolcott, 2010 (12)§§ US (M,W) 69.2, mean 2001–2006 23.2 in cases and 25.0 ng/mL in controls, mean 32.8 vs. 16.8 ng/mL, cutoff 170/319 Q1–Q5 32.8 vs. 16.8 ng/mL, cutoff 43/83 Q1–Q5
1.0 (ref), 0.82, 0.70, 0.73, 0.83 (0.42–1.63) 1.0 (ref), 0.55, 0.34, 0.28, 0.28 (0.06–1.38)
P-trend = 0.17 P-trend = 0.02
PHS|| Lee (present study) US (M) 56.6, mean 1982–2000 26.6 in cases and 25.6 ng/mL in controls, mean 36.8 vs. 14.9 ng/mL, median 172/287 Q1–Q4 39.2 vs. 17.9 ng/mL, median 57/102 Q1–Q4
1.0 (ref), 0.95, 1.34, 1.38 (0.73–2.64) 1.0 (ref), 0.53, 0.42, 0.45 (0.14–1.46)
P-trend = 0.35 P-trend = 0.05

ATBC = Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study; CLUE = from the campaign slogan, “Give us a CLUE to cancer”; EPIC = European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; HPFS = Health Professionals Follow-up Study; JPHC = Japan Public Health Center Study; MEC = Multiethnic Cohort Study; NHS = Nurses’ Health Study; PHS = Physicians’ Health study; WHI = Women’s Health Initiative

M = men; W= women

Q1–Q5 = quintiles; Q1–Q4 = quartiles; Q1–Q3 = tertiles


Serum specimen was used.


Plasma specimen was used.

Estimates of quantile cutoff were obtained from the investigator of the Nurses’ Health Study


Estimates for rectal cancer were obtained from the Publications and Presentations committee of the Women’s Health Initiative


The conversion factor for 25(OH)D from nmol/L to ng/mL is 0.401


For top vs. bottom quartiles, OR (95% CI) = 0.29 (0.098–0.89)


Estimates for colon and rectal cancers were obtained from the investigator of the Multiethnic Cohort Study