Figure 4.
Specific deletion of Act1 in astrocytes reduced the severity of cuprizone-induced demyelination. Astrocyte-specific Act1-deficient mice or wild-type control mice were fed 0.2% cuprizone food for 4 weeks and mice fed regular food were included as controls. A, Black-gold staining shows demyelination after cuprizone treatment (left). The percentage of myelinated corpus callosum at different time points is shown (right). B, Corpus callosum from cuprizone-treated mice was stained with anti-PDGFRα antibody (left). Quantification of PDGFR-α positive cell is shown (right). C, Corpus callosum was stained with anti-CD45 antibody (left). Quantification of CD45 immunoreactivity is shown (right). The experiment was repeated three times, and the data are shown as mean ± SEM; *p < 0.05.