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. 2012 Jul 26;68(Pt 8):873–877. doi: 10.1107/S1744309112028655

Table 1. Refinement and structure statistics of PDB entry 3vqh .

Values in parentheses are for the last shell.

Data collection and scaling (XDS)
X-ray source ID29, ESRF
Resolution limits () 35.01.95 (2.201.95)
Unit-cell parameters () a = 72.73, b = 75.18, c = 80.33
Space group P212121
Wavelength () 0.91969
Total No. of reflections 283804 (84880)
No. of unique reflections 61702 (18509)
Multiplicity 4.6 (4.6)
I/(I) 19.08 (5.68)
R mrgd-F (%) 9.0 (28.8)
Completeness (%) 98.0 (99.3)
Wilson B (2) 21.57
Refinement (REFMAC5)
R work (%) 19.0
R free (%) 23.4
Average B factor (2) 21.88
No. of protein atoms 3015
No. of ligand atoms 62
No. of water molecules 178
R.m.s.d. bond lengths () 0.010
R.m.s.d. bond angles () 1.38
Ramachandran plot (PROCHECK)
Most favoured (%) 91.1
Additionally allowed (%) 8.9
Generously allowed (%) 0
Disallowed (%) 0

R mrgd-F = Inline graphic Inline graphic.

R work/R free = Inline graphic Inline graphic.