Table 1. Assay Performance With Known HCV Inhibitors.
Inhibitor | Lifecycle stage/target | Luciferasea (EC50, nM) | Cellomicsa (EC50, nM) |
EI | Entry/E2 | 33±6.3 | 31±9.5 |
BMS-339 | Replication/NS3 | 256±25 | 270±22 |
BMS-052 | Replication/NS5A | 0.015±0.001 | 0.016±0.001 |
IDX184 | Replication/NS5B | 2,901±237 | 2,644±256 |
IFNα | Replication/host response | 0.20±0.04b | 0.17±0.08b |
LY411575 | Assembly/SPPc | 10±3.3 | 11±4.1 |
Average EC50 (nM) ± standard deviation of at least three experiments.
International units per ml.
SPP, Signal peptide peptidase.