Left: The VP distance between the actual and the target output spike train. Center: The timing difference between matching spikes and the target spikes. Right: The probability that the fired spikes matched the target ones. The graphs represent averages and standard deviations over input patterns and over 10,000 realizations. (A)–(D): Evolution during learning, as a function of the learning epoch. (A), (B): No jitter. (C), (D): A gaussian jitter with an amplitude of 5 ms is added to each presentation of the input patterns. (E), (F): Values after 400 learning epochs, as a function of the amplitude of the input jitter. (A), (C), (E): E-learning. (B), (D), (F): I-learning. The inputs and the trial length are as in Fig. 6. The target output spike train consists of one spike at 100 ms.