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. 2011 Oct 28;118(5):1181–1191. doi: 10.1002/cncr.26391

Table 3.

Long-Term Outcomes According to Response (Optimal vs Suboptimala) to Imatinib or MMR Status at 6, 12, and 18 Months

Result Probability of Achieving Indicated Milestones, %, MD Anderson Cancer Center25 (N = 281)
Outcome 4-Year EFS 4-Year TFS Ever Reaching CCyR Ever Reaching MMR Transformation
Response Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal
Months on treatment
 6 months 93 45 95 60 97 30 80 0 6 30
 12 months 96 87 96 93 72 18 82 39 5 5
 18 months NP NP NP NP NA NA NA 66 4 5
Probability of Achieving Milestone, %, MD Anderson Cancer Center32 (N = 258)
Outcome Ever Reaching CCyR Ever Reaching MMR Event
Response No CCyR No CCyR No CCyR
Months on treatment
 6 months 57 43 34
 12 months 42 31 38
Probability of Achieving Milestone at 5 Years, %, Hammersmith Hospital UK26 (N = 224)
Outcome OS PFS CCyR Loss of CCyR
Response Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal
Months on treatment
 6 months 96 92 91 62b 97 64c 13 11
 12 months 98 85b 96 73b 100 78c 10 3
 18 months 100 98 97 97 NA NA 25 0
Probability of Achieving Milestone at 5 Years, %, GIMEMA31 (N = 559)
Response Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal Optimal Suboptimal
12 months treatment 85 42c 92 49c 98 85c 96 81c
Probability of Achieving Milestone at 7 Years,%, IRIS33 (n = 476 Evaluable Patients; N = 553 Enrolled)
Outcome OS EFS Without AP/BC
Months on treatment
 6 months 90 89 85 84 96 93
 12 months 93 89 91 79b 99 90b
 18 months 95 90 95 75b 99 90b

Abbreviations: AP/BC, accelerated phase or blast crisis; CCyR, complete cytogenetic response; EFS, event-free survival; FFS, failure-free survival; GIMEMA, Group for Hematological Malignancies of the Adult; IRIS, International Randomized Study of Interferon Plus Ara-C Versus STI571; MMR, major molecular response; NA, not applicable; NP, not provided; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression-free survival; TFS, treatment-free survival; UK, United Kingdom.


Suboptimal response was defined as <partial cytogenetic response at 6 months, <CCyR at 12 months, and <MMR at 18 months; optimal response was defined as having a response that was greater than a suboptimal response.


P ≤ .05.


P < .001.