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. 2012 Aug 3;5:10.3402/gha.v5i0.17989. doi: 10.3402/gha.v5i0.17989

Table 1.

Empirical studies and research questions

Study Perspective from which care examined Research questions
1. A confidential enquiry into maternal mortality and severe morbidity Healthcare providers
  • What factors affect the quality of care provided in obstetric emergencies in rural areas?

  • How do these factors exert an influence over quality of care?

  • How can routine assessments of quality of care be elicited from the perspectives of healthcare providers?

2. An extended verbal autopsy to investigate maternal deaths Final caregivers
  • What are the medical and non-medical circumstances and events that contribute to access to care in obstetric emergencies in rural areas?

  • How do these factors influence access to care in obstetric emergencies?

  • How can medical and social causes and contributory factors be investigated using a routine health surveillance method that utilises the perspectives of final caregivers?

3. A community-based review of maternal mortality and severe morbidity Women of reproductive age and community members (families, village officials, TBAs and midwives)
  • What are the individual, familial, social, cultural, health systems and healthcare factors that determine access to, and quality of, care in obstetric emergencies in rural areas?

  • How do these factors influence access to, and quality of, care in obstetric emergencies?

  • How can investigations of quality of, and access to, care in obstetric emergencies be meaningfully elicited from the perspectives of women of reproductive age and community members?