Multiple sequence alignment of putative ALKBH2 and ALKBH3 proteins from plants and vertebrates. The alignment was generated with JalView ( using the embedded MUSCLE algorithm (55,56). The ‘Nucleotide Recognition Lid’ and the ‘Oxygenase Core’, described by Yu et al. (57), are indicated, as well as residues corresponding to Val101–Phe102 (involved in base flipping) and Arg-Lys–Lys (241–243) (involved in interaction with the opposite DNA strand) of human ALKBH2. The non-conserved N-terminal part of the proteins have been omitted from the alignment. Hs, Homo sapiens; Gg, Gallus gallus; Dr, Danio rerio; At, A. thaliana; Mt, Medicago truncatula (barrel medic); Vv, Vitis vinifera (common grape vine); Os, Oryza sativa (rice). GI numbers of sequences: 47124096 (Hs2), 118098574 (Gg2), 68383159 (Dr2), 18399917 (At2), 87162794 (Mt2), 147777784 (Vv2), 222635406 (Os2), 21040275 (Hs3), 118091513 (Gg3), 51011105 (Dr3).