Mapping of interaction domains of RECQL4 and BLM. (A) Schematic representation of BLM and its deletion variants. Yellow box, zinc-binding domain (ZN); green box, WH domain; blue box, helicase domain; purple box, HRDC domain; and red box, nuclear localization domain (B) Schematic representation of RECQL4 and its deletion variants. Blue box, helicase domain; black box, 376-KQAWKQKWRKK-386 motif; red box, nuclear-targeting sequences 1 and 2; pink box, sld2-like domain. Numbers in italics in both panels (A) and (B) indicate terminal amino acid positions. (C) β-gal plate test. RECQL4 and its deletion variants were expressed as fusions with a LexA DNA binding domain (bait). BLM and its deletion variants were expressed as fusions with an activation domain (prey). Indicated bait and prey constructs were co-transformed into the S. cerevisiae strain NMY-70 and the obtained clones were subjected to the β-galactosidase assay as described in ‘Materials and Methods’ section. Blue coloration of the yeast colonies is an indicative of interaction. (D) Coomassie stained gel of purified RECQL4 truncated proteins (1–240) and (1–492). (E) and (F) represents the unwinding activity of BLM in the absence and the presence of RECQL4 (1–240) and (1–492) proteins, respectively.