Alcohol use disorder: symptoms of abuse and dependence
Adolescent: DISC [19], Parent: CIDI [20].
Cannabis use disorder: symptoms of abuse and dependence
Adolescent: DISC [8,19], Parent: CIDI [20].
Other substance use disorder: symptoms of abuse and dependence
Adolescent: DISC [8,19], Parent: CIDI [20].
Ever use of nicotine, alcohol, cannabis or other drugs
T1, T2
Self-reported Substance Use Questionnaire
Age of onset of nicotine, alcohol, cannabis or other drugs
T1, T2
Self-reported Substance Use Questionnaire
Frequency and quantity of use of nicotine, alcohol, cannabis or other drug use
T1, T2
Self-reported Substance Use Questionnaire
Level of drunkenness or being stoned last time alcohol or cannabis were used |
T1, T2 |
Self-reported Substance Use Questionnaire |