Table 3.
Generalized Linear Mixed Effect Models of Sudden Oak Death (SOD) on Observed Nymphal Infection Prevalence
Model component | Parameter | Nymphal infection prevalence (z value) |
Intercept | α | −2.50 (−20.95)*** |
SOD (PC 1) | β1 | −0.11 (−2.09)* |
Site | β2 | 0.36 (2.27)* |
p Value: *0.05; ***0.001.
SOD was summarized previously using principal components analysis (Swei et al. 2011a). Interpretations of principal components are provided in the table based on the parameters that were significantly loaded on each component (Swei et al. 2011a). The model for nymphal infection prevalence is: Yi=NIPi ∼ Binomial(nymphsi, πi) for i=1…n, where n=(number of plots) * (number of years)=42, nymphsi is the number of nymphal ticks screened for Bb on survey i, and πi is the probability of infection with Bb. E(Yi)=πi×nymphsi, var(Yi)=nymphsi×πi×(1–πi); logit(πi)=α+β1×PC1+β2×PC2+β3×PC3+β4×PC4+β5×Site+γj[i]+ψk[i], where γj and ψk are random effects. The random effect of Plot is γj[i] ∼ N(0,σplot) for j=1…J, where J=number of plots=14. The random effect of Year is ψk[i] ∼ N(0,σyear) for k=1…K, where=number of years=3. The final model included PC 1, and Site as a fixed effect. Model selection was determined by Akaike information criterion score values. The z value is the Wald statistic.