Figure 3.
MC confers protection to dopaminergic neurons. (a) The effect of a 24 hr exposure of adult males to sucrose (Control), 1 mM MC alone (MC), 10 mM PQ alone (PQ), and 10 mM PQ with 1 mM MC (PQ + MC) on the dopaminergic neurons of TH-GAL4; UAS-eGFP adult brains. The inset in each image demonstrates the change in the morphology and number of the PPM2 subgroup of neurons. The exposure to MC alone (MC) and sucrose (control) does not alter the number or morphology of the dopaminergic neurons. The addition of MC to PQ delays neuron loss and onset of abnormal neuron morphology relative to PQ only. Scale bar for whole brain images = 100 μm. (b) and (c) MC delays PQ-induced selective loss of dopaminergic neurons. The average number of neurons per subset was determined 24 hr (b) and 48 hr (c) after the initiation of feeding and shows that MC delays, but does not prevent, PQ-mediated neuronal loss in different dopaminergic neurons. Each subset of dopaminergic neurons was scored separately in 15–25 brains. The significance of the difference in each neuron cluster between the PQ-treated and control groups and between the PQ-treated and co-fed groups is indicated as * and #, respectively, where * = P < 0.05, ** = P < 0.005, # = P < 0.05, and ## = P < 0.005. ϕ represents the significant difference between control and PQ with MC co-fed brains where ϕ = P < 0.05. Error bars represent standard error of the mean.