Figure 6. Cardiac interstitial Col1a1+ cells are rare in Pod1−/− mouse hearts.
(A–B”) RNA ISH was performed on E18.5 mouse heart sections using a Col1a1 mRNA probe. Col1a1 is expressed in the epicardium of Pod1+/− (A’,A”) and Pod1−/− (B’,B”) hearts (arrows). Interstitial Col1a1+ cells (arrowheads in A’–B”) are scarce within Pod1−/− myocardium (B’,B”). Normal Col1a1 expression is observed in mitral valves (MV, arrowheads) of Pod1+/− (A) and Pod1−/− (B) hearts. (C,D) Differentiation of Pod1-deficient EPDCs into fibroblasts was analyzed by double IF using anti-βGal (green) and anti-Col1a1 (red) antibodies. In E17.5 Pod1+/− mice, heterozygous for the Pod1/LacZ locus, βGal+ interstitial cells coexpress Col1a1 (yellow, arrowheads and inset). (D) In E17.5 Pod1−/− hearts, Pod1-deficient βGal+ interstitial cells (green) are negative for Col1a1 expression (arrowheads, inset). (E) Total Col1a1-expressing cells within the myocardial interstitium of Pod1+/− and Pod1−/− hearts were quantified (as in A–B”). Statistical significance of observed differences between Pod1+/− controls and Pod1−/− was determined by Student’s t-test (n=3). #P•0.05.