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Table 2. Results for four multilevel regression models of the single overall rating of a proposal across Year of Decision × Main Disciplines.

Null model Random intercept + female reviewer/female applicant Random intercept/slope + female reviewer/female applicant Random intercept + female reviewer/female applicant + applicant’s age
Term Est. Par. Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE
Notes. Est. Par. = parameter, Est. = estimated parameter value, SE = standard error, −2LogL = deviance, BIC = Schwarz Bayesian information criterion; N = 23,977 reviews. *p < .05 (t-test; t-value and degrees of freedom are not reported), p < .05 (Wald test).
Fixed effects
 Intercept β0 81.65* 0.27 81.86* 0.28 81.86* 0.28 81.79* 0.28
 Female reviewer β1 −0.34 0.33 −0.34 0.33 −0.34 0.33
 Female applicant β2 −1.08* 0.35 −1.08* 0.35 −0.96* 0.36
 Female Reviewer × Female Applicant β3 0.72 0.68 0.72 0.68 0.70 0.68
 Applicant’s age β4 0.04* 0.01
 Applicant’s Age × Female Reviewer β5 −0.001 0.03
 Applicant’s Age × Female Applicant β6 −0.01 0.04
Random effects
 Year × Discipline u0j σ2u0 12.35 1.60 12.44 1.61 12.44 1.62 12.08 1.59
    u1j σ2u1 0.00
    u2j σ2u2 0.00
    u3j σ2u3 0.00
 Proposal εk(j) σ2ε(j) 51.73 2.08 51.55 2.08 51.55 2.08 51.40 2.08
    εi(j k) σ2ε 181.41 2.10 181.41 2.10 181.41 2.10 181.50 2.10
 −2LogL 194 566.6 194 556.4 194 556.4 194 286.0
 BIC 194 588.6 194 594.8 194 594.8 194 340.9