Figure 5. Hippocampal expression of PirB.
Distribution of hippocampal PirB protein expression was assessed by immunohistochemical co-localization with cell-specific markers. (A) PirB immunoreactivity (magenta) was evident throughout the aged hippocampus as diffuse, punctate staining, with greater expression in stratum pyramidale (str. pyr) of both CA1 and CA3. Additionally, intense somatic PirB immunoreactivity was apparent in CA2 pyramidal cells. PirB immunohistochemistry is also depicted in inverted grayscale for enhanced contrast. (B) Co-localization of PirB and heavy neurofilament (NFh) immunoreactivity demonstrated axonal expression of PirB in hippocampal neurons (arrows). Green: NFh; Red: PirB; Blue: Hoechst; Yellow: PirB/NFh co-localization. (C) Perisomatic PirB expression in CA3 pyramidal cells, as demonstrated by perisomatic PirB immunoreactivity surrounding NFh-containing pyramidal cell somata (arrows). Green: NFh; Red: PirB; Blue: Hoechst; Yellow: PirB/NFh co-localization. (D) Perisomatic PirB immunoreactivity was evident in a subset of large MAP-2 immunoreactive neurons (arrows) and proximal dendrite segments (arrowhead). Green: MAP2; Red: PirB; Blue: Hoechst. (E) Pyramidal neurons with perisomatic PirB staining contained cytoplasmic MHCI immunoreactivity (arrows), demonstrating neuronal co-expression of MHCI and one of its receptors, PirB. Green: MHCI; Red: PirB; Blue: Hoechst; Yellow: MHCI/PirB co-expression.